What is Extended Reality?

Extended Reality or (XR) is an umbrella term that includes – Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented or Mixed Reality (AR), and 360-Degree Video. With the technology rapidly evolving, the distinction among them seems to be blurred. To avoid this confusion a wider term, XR is introduced, which is defined as a pool of all such technologies.

Why Extended Reality for Business?

XR technologies can create memorable and immersive experiences, and have applications in almost every industry. Instead of explaining what your business does to your potential customers, show them. XR illustrates the value of your company in a way no other mediums can. Put your customer in their dream house without leaving the office. Take your clients on a ride through your production pipeline. Get them invested and immediately talking about your company to everyone.

It’s Experiential

Virtual Reality is more than show and tell. It’s about presence, and there’s no stronger way to engage your audience.

Studies show that people are far more alert and retain more information when placed in new environments. It’s an evolutionary safeguard, which means when people are immersed in a VR experience they are far more likely to retain the information they receive. VR is also proving highly effective with behavioral learning – which makes it a powerful way to teach, train, or sell.

Virtual Reality
VR fully immerses the viewer in a virtual environment using a headset that isolates them from the real world. High end VR features interactivity, realistic graphics, directional audio and HD haptic feedback. This gives the viewer the perception of being physically present in a non-physical world.

Augmented Reality
AR projects virtual objects and information onto the real world. It works while the viewer moves around. This can be done in a variety of ways for instance the mobile phone (like Pokémon Go) or on technology like the Microsoft HoloLens pictured below.

360-Degree Videos
360-degree videos, also known as spherical videos, are video recordings where a view in every direction is recorded at the same time. During playback the viewer can look in any direction.

Beyond Storytelling

XR engages all the senses. The use of XR helps create a unique experience that is squarely focused on the messaging with no distractions from the outside. Creating XR experiences requires partnering with professional talent and skilled programming groups with the unique experience and understanding of the medium to guarantee high-quality results.

Virtual Reality Showroom

Why this site?

Interactive design studio, Blue Robot and C-Squared Communications are collaborating on this site because of a shared enthusiasm for Extended Reality as a viable business tool. Our goal is to demonstrate this technology, its applications for business and the advancements being made on what seems like a day-to-day basis. Want to join the conversation? We welcome your feedback, insights or any contributions germane to the advancement of Extended Reality applications for business.