XR Primer

Extended Reality or (XR) is an umbrella term that includes all extended reality technologies – Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and 360-Degree Video. With immersive technologies evolving in the market, the distinction line among them gradually seems to be blurred. To avoid this confusion a wider term, XR is introduced, which can be defined as a pool of all such technologies.

Virtual reality (VR) employs Virtual Reality headsets to immerse the viewer in a new environment with realistic images, sounds and other sensations that simulate a user’s physical presence in a virtual or imaginary environment. Essentially you are transported to a new world where you can interact in numerous ways with the elements created. Think about taking customers on a virtual visit to one of your installations across the globe, or a product gallery display within the confines of a small trade show booth. Some customers are even exploring VR in recruiting future company leaders.

In the past 3-4 years, more and more manufacturers have introduced VR technology to the marketplace. Market saturation and technology advancement is leading to lower cost in VR hardware and development costs.

Augmented reality (AR) mixes real world and virtual elements. Often this is accomplished from a headset or through a tablet or phone, where the viewer can see animated elements in their own environment. This offers a great method for presenting information at a tradeshow, during skill training or in in a collaborative work environment with everyone looking at the same animation.

Augmented Reality is still in its infancy, but the potential is endless as the technology is rapidly advancing. Microsoft, Apple and Magic Leap, a well-funded new player, promise big advances soon with AR.

360 Video is just that. Using VR headsets, this medium provides a 360 degree visual adventures. Life, Discover, and many others are marketing such visual experiences to consumers. For business, a virtual visit to a research lab or oft visited customer installations can save on time and travel. Additionally, if you are using it for recruiting, you can show off the community your company calls home.

XR for Business makes sense. Imagine the impact demonstrating how your construction equipment works within the confines of a 10×10 exhibit. Take them on a journey production pipeline. Tour properties for sale without ever leaving your office.  Get your customers invested and immediately talking about your company to everyone. Want to see what XR can do for you? Click here to contact us.

Posted in 360-Degree video, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality.