Ready for Take-off – VR eases the fear of flying

The full immersive value of Virtual Reality makes it the ideal medium for simulations. And the simulation of this application created by Visual Lane and Chris Bain design can truly help the viewer to learn what to expect from the flight experience. The trailer with the attached article is a great demonstration of how it works.

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Simulations have many business applications, demonstrating a new or redesigned work environment in architecture, teaching employees on what to expect in dangerous work situations like repairing power lines a few hundred feet above the earth, or showing customers how new equipment can improve their current work processes. AT&T has also developed a driving simulation to demonstrate how texting can alter safe driving.

VR simulations are so effective in helping the viewer experience real life situations better than any other media. Want to experience VR for yourself, contact us for a demo.

Posted in Educational Experiences, Simulations, Virtual Reality.