Walmart to train all its US employees with VR

Finally, a Useful Application for VR: Training Employees

If you’ve ever been inside a Walmart during the annual frenzy known as Black Friday, you know there’s no way to truly prepare yourself for the crushing crowds and panic-fueled shopping—you have to see it to believe it. But wearing a virtual-reality headset that lets you stand in the middle of this madness comes pretty close.

The fully immersive nature of situational VR can prepare employees better than any other medium. The VR experience can improve recall and confidence regarding decisions to made in real-life work situations. If you’d like more proof, take a look at this review ( of 10 case studies discussing the effectiveness of VR as a training tool.  And if you would like to experience VR for yourself, click on the Demo link.

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Posted in 360-Degree video, Educational Experiences, Retail, Virtual Reality.