Walmart to train all its US employees with VR

Finally, a Useful Application for VR: Training Employees If you’ve ever been inside a Walmart during the annual frenzy known as Black Friday, you know there’s no way to truly prepare yourself for the crushing crowds and panic-fueled shopping—you have to see it to believe it. But wearing a virtual-reality headset that lets you stand […]

Cirque du Soleil combines Augmented and Virtual Reality to build better sets!

At the Microsoft Build 2017 presentation, creators at Cirque du Soleil demonstrated a custom creative toolset on stage using HoloLens technology. The world-class theater production company says the tools can be used to greatly enhance and accelerate the set design process for future shows thanks to real-time local digital collaborative design. But, speaking to Microsoft’s […]

Virtual Reality connects people in a new way

“It’s a machine, but inside of it, it feels like real life, it feels like truth. And you feel present in the world that you’re inside and you feel present with the people that you’re inside of it with…” Chris Milk, Filmmaker, 2015 Virtual Reality is best understood when experienced. And although this Ted Talk from 2015 does […]

Boosting Recruiting Efforts with VR

You are a manufacturer of interior automotive trim items. And up until about 10 years ago, you enjoyed a healthy market share with just a few competitors. But then the market changed, first it went global with competition from Europe and Japan moving in, and then emerging markets produced even more competition. And now, competing […]

XR Primer

Extended Reality or (XR) is an umbrella term that includes all extended reality technologies – Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and 360-Degree Video. With immersive technologies evolving in the market, the distinction line among them gradually seems to be blurred. To avoid this confusion a wider term, XR is introduced, which can be defined […]