Walmart to train all its US employees with VR

Finally, a Useful Application for VR: Training Employees If you’ve ever been inside a Walmart during the annual frenzy known as Black Friday, you know there’s no way to truly prepare yourself for the crushing crowds and panic-fueled shopping—you have to see it to believe it. But wearing a virtual-reality headset that lets you stand […]

Ready for Take-off – VR eases the fear of flying

The full immersive value of Virtual Reality makes it the ideal medium for simulations. And the simulation of this application created by Visual Lane and Chris Bain design can truly help the viewer to learn what to expect from the flight experience. The trailer with the attached article is a great demonstration of how it […]

Virtual Reality connects people in a new way

“It’s a machine, but inside of it, it feels like real life, it feels like truth. And you feel present in the world that you’re inside and you feel present with the people that you’re inside of it with…” Chris Milk, Filmmaker, 2015 Virtual Reality is best understood when experienced. And although this Ted Talk from 2015 does […]

Airbus using Augmented Reality for training

Passenger jet maker Airbus has created a Microsoft HoloLens app to train engineers and cabin crews. The app lets you train from anywhere while wearing the standalone headset “via a holographic coach or an interactive, shared 3D virtual system,” according to a press release. Read the full story

Colorado Prison Inmates use VR

A Colorado prison is experimenting with VR to prepare inmates who have served more than 20 year sentences for the outside world. A lot has changed in 20 years! It is worth the 7 minutes of your time. Now think of the possibilities of carrying this concept forward for your businesses. What about helping […]

Ikea Place Augmented Reality App

With Ikea’s Place app Digital sofas and chairs come to life realistically next to permanent, physical objects. Read the full story here: Ikea’s new app flaunts what you’ll love most about AR